"UnEnchanted" by Chanda Hahn is a series that is inspired by fairy tales. Mina is your typical unpopular high schooler until one day everything changes for her.However, being popular can cost her whole life! In order to survive she must break her family's curse and dive in to many new adventures. This series is worth your wild if you love fairy tales get on it!
Are you a middle or high school teacher? If so here is a giveaway you might enjoy entering for your class based on this novel.Giveaway for Unchanted
This is a very short Ibook called "I'll be Home for Christmas" by Zane. This was a very quick read for sure! I however, enjoy this ibook because the plot is a very heart felt story about a young woman named Noelle whom ran away from home at a young age.You must read it to know why she run away...
I love this Ibook, "Throwaway" by Heather Huffman, because you step into the shoes of Jessie. She is the main character of the story, her life was never easy. One day Spence comes into her life and she believes this is her only life she can live. Until an outrageous twist occurs in the story... that just might change her whole life around.
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